Benin - From paper to pixels

Right of access to land for all Beninese citizens; economic prosperity and preventing land disputes. The Benin government is developing a nationwide digital land administration system for this purpose. With financial support from the Netherlands, the Land Administration Modernization Project (PMAF) was launched in Benin in 2018.

Locally made boundary stones

With Fit-For-Purpose land registration, the local population was involved in collecting data and registering presumed ownership. Locally produced boundary stones were used to mark boundaries.

Lower costs and faster data collection

Thanks to this method, the results of the project are promising. The costs per parcel are now considerably lower and the collection and maintenance of the data is much faster.

Read the article

You can read more about this project, the results so far and the next steps in the article: “Benin: from paper to pixels” by Christelle van den Berg and Luc de Groot in GIM-international.