Standards secure women’s access to land

"Why should land favour one gender over another?" This question strikes at the heart of a pressing issue: women’s access to land. The importance of standardisation is hidden and often unrecognised. Standards provide clear, consistent guidelines and procedures that ensure fairness, efficiency, and transparency in land administration. 

Gender equality

For women who have historically faced numerous barriers in accessing land, standardisation of land administration is particularly crucial. It can help dismantle systemic inequalities by streamlining standards that do not discriminate based on gender. This is important because land is not just a resource for shelter or agriculture; it is a key to economic stability, social status, and overall empowerment.

Address women’s rights in land administration

The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) is a relevant standard for land administration. Have a read on the publication "Women’s access to land and the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM): Requirements, modelling and assessment" that shows how the LADM can be tailored to better address women's needs and rights in land administration. The publication underscores the necessity of integrating gender perspectives into land administration systems to ensure that women's rights to land are established, recorded, recognised, and protected.

More information

Read the publication: Women’s access to land and the Land Administration Domain Model.