Community participation ensures complete cadastre in Indonesia

Septein Paramia Swantika works at the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN). She has been working on modernising land registration for many years. What are her current ambitions and challenges?

Swantika: “In 2017, ATR/BPN launched a complete systematic land registration activity. The aim is to map all land plots in Indonesia to achieve a complete cadastre for Indonesia in 2025 with 126 million plots. Currently, the ATR/BPN has mapped 108 million plots throughout Indonesia.”

Speed through community participation

“We have taken various efforts to speed-up complete village mapping. This started with a pilot project, the Participatory Land Registration (PALAR) project in Lampung Province with Kadaster International, in 2014. We learned to accelerate land registration through community participation. Our citizens highly appreciate it.”

Training hundreds of staff

“In our current project, we held several webinars and on-site trainings with experts from Kadaster International. We increased human resource capacity in surveying and mapping, both at central and regional level. Topics included Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration, 3D cadastre design, flying (or non-georeferenced) parcels and unique parcel identification. Hundreds of staff members participated in these trainings over the last three years.”

Improving quality

“Recently we went for a study visit to the Netherlands. Here, we gained knowledge on improving the quality of land plot data. The things that still concerns us are related to the completion of unmapped registered land plots and improving mapped land plots. Training by Kadaster International has given us technical reinforcement and insight into how to speed-up the resolution of these kinds of problems. It is useful to gain perspectives from the Netherlands and other countries. It really helps us to find our own solutions.”

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